
coolgear BRU Cold Brew Coffee System Reviews

coolgear BRU Cold Brew Coffee System - Thank you for visiting this site. This review will we made about "coolgear BRU Cold Brew Coffee System", if you are currently looking for the article on it, it means you need to read this review now.

coolgear BRU Cold Brew Coffee System

Above this is the one of the product images of the coolgear BRU Cold Brew Coffee System. To get other pictures, you can click on the image above.

Here you can see the product details.

  • A single serve at-home brewing system for sweet and smooth cold brewed iced coffee
  • You control the strength and brew time for an iced coffee that is always better never bitter
  • Adjust the drip rate by twisting the BRU dial - a slower pace for a smoother taste use your favorite ground coffee
  • Always a continuos flow of water with dual chamber capillary action
  • Includes BRU cone with cover, cone stand, 21oz double wall tumbler, pressure fit lid, straw, and 50 paper diffusors

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